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Friday, April 18, 2008


Much has been made about my singleness for many years now. Per usual, like at every other place I have worked, my singleness has been the topic of several discussions at my new job. However, it is typically brought up by one particularly irritating co-worker who continues to refuse to believe that I know myself well enough to know how I truly feel about my own singleness. Thankfully, there are only a few people in my life like him who really seem to want to pile on the pressure for me to hurry into marriage. I understand that to some - being 28 years old and unmarried and not even dating - well that's tantamount to being an old maid! Whatever...For me it means that I'm not going to fall all over a guy just because he has a pulse and a job.

And what is the hurry? Granted, I never thought I'd still be single at 28, but I'd rather be single than desperate and end up in a bad marriage because I just couldn't stand to be single any longer. I have standards that I'm not willing to compromise, nor do I believe they're unreasonable. Here are the main non-negotiable ones:

  1. Attractiveness: Christians often try to make themselves look more righteous by saying, "it's what is on the inside that really counts." While what is on the inside counts a LOT, being physically attracted to a person is pretty darn important too.
  2. Growing Christian: If a guy is not making the effort to grow in his faith and relationship with Christ, I cannot not allow my heart to become romantically entangled with his.
  3. Humor: I LOVE to laugh. A man with a quick, dry wit is my kryptonite - think Hugh Laurie.
  4. Financial Stability: I am able to financially support myself and stay out of debt. I expect him to be able to do the same or at least be working hard to pay off any debt he has incurred.
  5. Accountability: I have a strong group of women who I lean on, confess to, and look to for advice. I expect him to also have this in place or be actively seeking it out. In my book, it is imperative for both people to have strong influences of accountability in their lives to challenge them to address the tough issues in their relationship.
  6. No cats: They're gross, and I'm allergic.

As for how I feel about my own singleness, I am quite fine with my status. I don't sit at home crying myself to sleep at night desperate to be in a relationship (contrary to what my co-worker would like to believe). I'm an introvert - I enjoy my alone time, and it's not as if I don't ever go out. I've never been the person to go out and party all night, or date a different guy each night of the week. In truth, I could probably count the number of dates I've ever been on, on one hand - and I'm okay with that. Now, I'm no Paul - I don't desire lifelong singleness. I would love to get married and have children someday, but I don't see any reason to be desperate about it. Being desperate is dangerous because it causes one to forget and compromise their standards. The goal of my life is not to end my singleness with marriage, the goal of my life is to honor God and there is plenty to be done in this world to fulfill that that has nothing to do with marriage. I choose to focus on that rather than wallow in self-pity about being single. Do I have moments of depression and self-pity about my singleness? Sure, I'm no super woman. However, those moments are fleeting in comparison to the contentment and security I have as I continue following His lead in this aspect of my life.


Rebecca said...

I'm 100% with you on this. I'm 26 and single - and have truely never been on a real date. Some might call it picky, some might call it standards.

But I've seen too many people get married because they think it will solve all their problems - find a man and automatically everything turns to gold and sunshine.

Not true - in fact most times the opposite is true.

Now I, like Kristy, do not plan on being a Paul - and remain single my whole life - but I also know that it's better to be happy and content while single, than miserable and hopeless but married.

I look forward to the day that God introduces you Kristy to your husband. It's going to be a time you will never forget!!

You are such an incredible, strong, wise, woman of God - The man God has for you is so going to be worth the wait!!

(Sorry for the blog withing a comment!!)

Laura said...

Now for the married 'woe'man's opinion.
I think both of you are fantastic! And waiting for what GOD has in store for you is well.. perfect!
Just don't forget it is HIS time not yours.. HIS 'perfect' standard not yours. YOU just might be surprised.. IF YOU allow yourself to be.. WHO he has in mind for you!

I will pray for BOTH Of your husbands...starting today!

Rebecca said...

Thank you Laura- I don't know about Kristy- but whoever God puts with me is going to need all the prayers he can get!! ;)

Laura said...


Julie said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and I can't agree with what you say more. I am 25 and single and in the Christian world it's almost looked upon as a sin or at least people feel there's something wrong with me. I just started a blog about why I'm still single...not complaining about it but giving actual reasons why. I'm really glad that I'm not the only one who isn't getting married just to get married.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and I totally agree with what you're saying. I'm 26 and single and when I look around at some marriages (and divorces) I'm really glad that I'm not getting married just to be married. Shoot, I don't even date just to date. Which is probably why I haven't had a date in......well, we won't get into all of that. LOL Don't settle. When the time is right, the right one will be there.

Heather said...

I am so proud of you for your standards and not lowering them just to get married. I have looked up to you for a long time (have I ever told you that??) and admire you. You are such a wonderful person and there is a guy out there who is worthy of you and God will bring him to you in His timing.

Becca- Same goes for you- there is a man out there that God is preparing to be worthy of you and I can't wait till that day comes for both of you!!!