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Thursday, February 28, 2008

For My Love...

For My Love
by, Bethany Dillon

Walk towards me
I want to hear
The heavens singing over you
When you breathe
And look at me
I want to be captured by you

Gaze into my eyes
And let me know you'd fight
Thousands, for my love
Slip your hand in mine
Ask me to dance with you tonight
Just ask me for my love

I want to hide
What's deep in my eyes
I'm scared to be known by you
But when I turn my head
And see you there
I want to be pursued

A dream I won't wake from
A story that will never end
The ground your feet walk on
Let me be there, let me be there

I know - yet another song! (also in one of the playlists to the right) This one holds a particularly special place in my heart because of the unbelievable closeness it has to a vision that was given to Marcie as she prayed for me. Here is the vision that Marcie had back in April 2005: "It was a large room. In the middle of the room was bright light and dancing. On the edges of the room, in the corners, was shadows and darkness. Jesus was in the middle of the room, dancing, laughing. You were in a corner of the room, back against the corner as far as you could go. You looked like you were enjoying watching Him, a bit intrigued. Then from the center of the room, He turned to look at you and reached out His hand to you, inviting you to come dance with Him. Your eyes got big and you tried to back up and told Him no, rather shyly. He kept asking, smiling kindly at you, His hand reached out to you." Bethany Dillon's song always reminds me of that vision and thus reminds me of the ultimate Pursuer of my heart, the One who created me and enjoys me and always wants to dance with me. So when those dark moments of loneliness and self-pity come creeping in, of wondering if there will be a man to take up the challenge of pursuing me, I lean heavily upon the knowledge that I am pursued every day by the greatest Lover ever.

"Listen to me, O royal daughter, take to heart what I say. Forget your people and your family far away. For your royal husband delights in your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord."
~Psalm 45:10-11 (NLT)

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