For those who are unaware, The Office was originally a BBC series created by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. Extras was their second joint venture into sitcom comedic television. At the urging of my friend, Stacey, I finally checked out this second series. It explores the life of Andy Millman - a guy who quit his steady, well-paying job to pursue his dream of becoming a proper actor. Of course, he obviously starts off just getting non-speaking "extras" work - but that's been dragging on for five years now due to the incompetency of his agent. The audience gets to see behind-the-scenes into the world of extras through the lens of Ricky Gervais' pessimistically, dry humor. Cameos galore of major movie stars pop-up throughout the series. Take a look at a clip of Ben Stiller's spot on the show:
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
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